BULATS Benchmarking
BULATS Benchmarking uses a set of questionnaires to establish the required level of language ability for jobs and roles, and then uses BULATS tests to assess the language proficiency of employees. Because the system is so flexible and easy to use, it can be tailored to meet the needs of any organisation, and can be delivered on any scale.
Language Benchmarking
A benchmarking project is a programme of language assessment across a department, company, organisation, region or country. It establishes benchmarks – standards about what levels of language ability are required for different jobs/tasks, etc.
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BULATS Benchmarking can help you to:</p>
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conduct language audits across departments, offices, regions or globally
set common standards across your organisation
monitor and manage language training in your organisation more effectively
monitor whether language standards in your organisation are improving
streamline your recruitment process
motivate staff by setting achievable goals in language ability
help staff with their career development
identify the right internal applicants for overseas posts